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Pushing something (past tense pushed)

Pushing is the act of pushing something not grossly larger than the actor by an amount which would not substantially move it. (See also the pushing it to action, which involves a longer-distance push between rooms.)

In the Standard Rules there are no carry out rules for this action because nothing in the standard Inform world model which reacts to it. The action is provided for authors to hang more interesting behaviour onto for special cases: say, pulling a lever. ('The big red lever is a fixed in place device. Instead of pulling the big red lever, try switching on the lever. Instead of pushing the big red lever, try switching off the lever.')

Typed commands leading to this action

    "push [something]"

Rules controlling this action

    before    doing anything   
    instead    pushing the excitement button   
    instead    pushing the yellow button   
    instead    taking, pushing or pulling the bomb   
    check        an actor pushing something  can't push what's fixed in place rule
    check        an actor pushing something  can't push scenery rule
    check        an actor pushing something  can't push people rule
    report        an actor pushing something  report pushing rule